Information Technology and Video Gaming

Goals for our Program

Technology is being more intergraded in today’s communities and work fields. We would like to help students understand these trends and give them the skills needed to operate general technology.

By doing so, we show them etiquette when online with others, how to operate computers while also understanding how they work, and how to use applications within technology.

What we Provide

We have put time and effort into designing a room where students can learn while also being creative and interested in their studies. Each student that comes into the classroom has state of the arch computers, technology, and video gaming equipment to ensure students get the most they can from our teachings.

Meet the Instructor

Kale Schafer

Information Technology/Video Gaming Instructor

Kale Schafer Is a current teacher at Charlton Heston Academy, where he teaches English and some social classes. He has experience in Video Gaming, Computers, and creating structured programs for learning which makes him a great fit for the course.

These classes are available for classes 9-12th and Exploratory (6-8th). If your student would like to enroll in these classes or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Angela Cichowski at 989-632-3390 or at
