With Lake Superior State University being our new neighbor, we can now enhance our dual enrollment program. We recently have in-person classes and online classes from which students can access. Currently, we have these classes in person taught by Nikki Ulrich:
This course introduces students to the field of education. Emphasis is placed on the application of basic learning theory to personal success in learning, successful integration into the university culture, educational ethics, and professional growth through the study of controversies in education. (2,0) 2
This course will examine the impact of diversity on students and educational systems through the consideration of the historical and philosophical foundations of schooling, the impact of diversity on students’ participation in the system, and the characteristics of effective practices to meet the needs of diverse learners. Fieldwork required. (4,0) 4
While we grow our in-person classes we still have plenty of online courses available, such as:
This course is intended to provide students a broad overview of the complex and dynamic contemporary world of business. The course will illustrate how human resources management, marketing, production, and finance are major functions that work together to help owners, employees and customers reach their objectives. Business must operate within economic, social, natural, technological, international, legal, and political environments. (3,0) 3
A study of communication theory as it relates to the oral sender and receiver in interpersonal, dyadic, small group, and public speaking situations. Application will be in perceptual analysis, dyadic encounters, small group problem-solving and discussion, and public speaking situations. (3,0) 3Study of differing cultural norms that impact business decisions; designed for students interested in international and cross-cultural activities. (3,0) 3
A study of communication theory as it relates to the oral sender and receiver in interpersonal, dyadic, small group, and public speaking situations. Application will be in perceptual analysis, dyadic encounters, small group problem-solving and discussion, and public speaking situations. (3,0) 3
ENGL110 provides students with an introduction to the discipline of writing through an exploration of their own writing processes and products. Emphasis is placed on students learning to think critically about their own writing in order to address issues of coherence, grammar, mechanics, organization, clarity and content. Other material covered includes the role of literacy in society, the ways in which readers engage text, and the role of writing at the college level. (3,0) 3
First-Year Composition II prepares students for the complex demands of academic literacy and research. These require students to be able to critically observe personal and public knowledge; ask questions of reading and research; formulate hypotheses; design and conduct research projects, both in the library and in the field; and identify further avenues of inquiry. To help students develop these abilities, the course also teaches students the basic skills of analysis, interpretation, critical thinking and documentation. Required course work included completion of an extended research project. Prerequisite: a grade of C or higher in ENGL110. (3,0) 3
This course introduces the beginning student to basic medical terminology related to all areas of health care. The focus of this course is on understanding the proper usage of medical language. (2,0) 2
A study of world civilization from earliest time through the baroque. (4,0) 4
This course is a study of families of functions through formulas, tables, graphs and words, emphasizing applications in business, life and social science. The function families include linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and power functions. Within these families, topics include problem solving, model creation, solving equations, systems of equations and inequalities, rates of change, graphing, analysis, and interpretation. Prerequisite: Two years of high school algebra and satisfactory achievement on the mathematics placement exam or MATH102 with a grade of C or better. high school plane geometry also recommended. This course will not count toward a major or minor in mathematics. (3,0) 3
Certain actions seem to be demanded by morality and certain actions seem to be prohibited by morality. In addition, there are many actions in which we have difficulty extending praise or blame. The study of Ethical Theory constitutes the study of philosophers’ evaluations of behavior, character, and even the term of such evaluation (e.g., ‘goodness,’ ‘value,’ ‘right,’ and ‘obligation’). this course will examine the ethical theories of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, and Mill as well as contemporary applications of ethical theories. Topics such as terrorism, ethics in the professions, the environment, and religiously motivated behavior are timely and appropriate topics for evaluating the connections between moral reasoning and our modes of living. Prerequisite: ENGL 111. (3,0) 3
This course introduces students to core sociological theorists and perspectives, including functionalism, conflict and symbolic interactionism, and familiarizes them with basic research designs, terminology and findings within the context of collective behavior and social movements. (4,0) 4
This course introduces the student to racial, ethnic, gender and social class variation within the United States and the global community to enable the student to better understand, live with, and appreciate diversity. (3,0) 3
An introduction to environmental concepts and a brief survey of environmental issues facing society. Emphasis is placed on solutions and the responsibility of the individual towards these solutions. (3,0) 3
The laboratory component of environmental science. Co-requisite: NSCI103. (0,2) 1
An introduction to selected principles of chemistry with emphasis on technological applications. Credit in this course does not apply toward a major or minor in chemistry. Prerequisite: MATH102. (3,0) 3
Laboratory experience for CHEM108 Applied Chemistry (must complete both lecture and laboratory to qualify for general education credit). Co-requisite: CHEM108. (0,3) 1
If you would like to sign up your student or have any questions, contact Angela Crall at (989)-632-3390 or email acrall@charltonhestonacademy.com or go to the LSSU website for more information regarding courses.